The Starving Games (2013)
83 minut

The Starving Games
The Starving Games
V kinu od: 31.10.2013 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Scenarij: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Igralci: Brant Daugherty, Maiara Walsh, Lauren Bowles, Nick Gomez, Cody Christian, Alexandria Deberry, Theodus Crane, Beau Brasseaux, Ashton Leigh, Eric Buarque, Trenton Rostedt, Rob Steinberg, Dean J. West, Alice Ford, Jason Stanly
Država: ZDA

Vsebina - The Starving Games

Za film The Starving Games še ni na voljo opisa.

Filmi, kjer še igrajo
Brant Daugherty | Maiara Walsh | Lauren Bowles | Nick Gomez
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