The Haunting of Seacliff Inn (1994)
The Haunting of Seacliff Inn

The Haunting of Seacliff Inn
The Haunting of Seacliff Inn
V kinu od: 22.09.1994 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Walter Klenhard
Scenarij: Walter Klenhard, Tom Walla
Igralci: Ally Sheedy, William R. Moses, Lucinda Weist, Tom McCleister, Maxine Stuart, Shannon Cochran, Louise Fletcher, Jay W. MacIntosh, James Horan, Mary Weaver, Frederick Dai, Wallace E. Smith, Ashley Buccille, Virginia Morris, Time Winters
Država: ZDA

Vsebina - The Haunting of Seacliff Inn

Za film The Haunting of Seacliff Inn še ni na voljo opisa.

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