Random Acts of Violence (2019)
80 minut

Random Acts of Violence
Random Acts of Violence
V kinu od: 19.09.2019 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Jay Baruchel
Scenarij: Jay Baruchel, Jesse Chabot, Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti
Igralci: Jesse Williams, Jordana Brewster, Jay Baruchel, Simon Northwood
Država: ZDA
TV spored

Vsebina - Random Acts of Violence

Za film Random Acts of Violence še ni na voljo opisa.


Filmi, kjer še igrajo
J. Williams | J. Brewster | J. Baruchel | Simon Northwood
Snake & Mongoose
The Butler
The Cabin in the Woods
Najboljši filmi 2019
Oskarji 2020
Kino spored
Filmi, ki trenutno igrajo v kinu
Zadnji ogledi:
The Cloverfield Paradox
The One I Wrote for You
In a Valley of Violence
The Burnt Orange Heresy
Vojna zvezd: Poslednji Jedi