The Forgiven (2017)
115 minut

The Forgiven
The Forgiven
V kinu od: 13.10.2017 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Roland Joffé
Scenarij: Michael Ashton, Roland Joffé
Igralci: Forest Whitaker, Eric Bana, Jeff Gum, Morné Visser, Terry Norton, Rob Gough, Debbie Sherman, Warrick Grier, David Butler, Michael MacKenzie, Dominika Jablonska, Shane John Kruger, Robert Hobbs, Alexander Wallace
Država: VB

Vsebina - The Forgiven

Za film The Forgiven še ni na voljo opisa.


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F. Whitaker | E. Bana | Jeff Gum | Terry Norton
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Una famiglia