The Girl Who Invented Kissing (2017)
106 minut

The Girl Who Invented Kissing
The Girl Who Invented Kissing
V kinu od: 29.04.2017 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Tom Sierchio
Scenarij: Tom Sierchio
Igralci: Vincent Piazza, Dash Mihok, Suki Waterhouse, Abbie Cornish, Luke Wilson, Corey Large, Johnny Messner, Michael Buscemi, Brooke Hoover, David Hennessey, Clayton James Bergstrom, Luis Da Silva Jr., Stephanie Fantauzzi, Luciana Faulhaber, Coledyn Garrow
Država: ZDA

Vsebina - The Girl Who Invented Kissing

Za film The Girl Who Invented Kissing še ni na voljo opisa.

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