Two Lovers and a Bear (2016)
96 minut

Two Lovers and a Bear
Two Lovers and a Bear
V kinu od: 18.05.2016 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Kim Nguyen
Igralci: Tatiana Maslany, Dane DeHaan, John Ralston, Gordon Pinsent, Joel Gagne, Jeffrey R. Smith, Chip Chuipka, Ash Catherwood, Johnny Issaluk, Yvonne E. Davidson, Joseph Nakogee, Janet Hilliard, Jennifer Soucie, Kakki Peter, Andrea Di Profio
Država: Kanada

Vsebina - Two Lovers and a Bear

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Recenzije - Two Lovers and a Bear

  • Filmski kotiček
    6 / 10
    Objavljeno: 21.08.2017
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