The Fundamentals of Caring (2016)
93 minut

The Fundamentals of Caring
The Fundamentals of Caring
V kinu od: 29.01.2016 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Rob Burnett
Scenarij: Rob Burnett, Jonathan Evison
Igralci: Paul Rudd, Selena Gomez, Bobby Cannavale, Jennifer Ehle, Craig Roberts, Frederick Weller, Megan Ferguson, Patti Schellhaas, Walter Hendrix III, Ashley White, Blake Sewell, Robert Walker Branchaud, Julia Denton, Kristi Von, Samantha Huskey
Država: ZDA

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Recenzije - The Fundamentals of Caring

  • Filmski kotiček
    6 / 10
    Objavljeno: 25.07.2016
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