Dying of the Light (2014)
94 minut

Dying of the Light
Dying of the Light
V kinu od: 05.12.2014 (svetovna premiera)
Režija: Paul Schrader
Scenarij: Paul Schrader
Igralci: Nicolas Cage, Anton Yelchin, Alexander Karim, Irène Jacob, Aymen Hamdouchi, Claudius Peters, Adetomiwa Edun, Robert G. Slade, Derek Ezenagu, Geff Francis, Tim Silano, Silas Carson, Serban Celea, David Lipper, Arsha Aghdasi
Država: ZDA

Vsebina - Dying of the Light

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Recenzije - Dying of the Light

  • Filmoljub
    Tuhtam, kaj natanko je šlo po zlu, in razmišljam, ali ne gre morda celo za kakšnega soimenjaka. Ampak ne: Paul J. Schrader je taisti hollywoodski veteran ter dolgoletni Scorsesejev sodelavec, ki je napisal scenarij ali celo sam sedel za kamero pri takih kultih kot Taxi Driver (1976), Hardcore (1979), American Gigolo (1980), Raging Bull (1980), Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985), The Last Temptation of Christ (1988), Affliction (1997), Bringing Out the Dead (1999) in tako naprej. Se še močneje praskam po glavi in na spletnih forumih berem, kako je Schrader v sporočilu na svoji Knjigi obrazov oktobra 2014 razočarano zapisal: "We lost the battle. Dying of the Light (2014), a film I wrote and directed, was taken away from me, re-edited, scored and mixed without my input. Yesterday Grindstone (a division of Lionsgate) released the poster and the trailer." [več..]
    4 / 10
    Objavljeno: 06.02.2015
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